What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, has a concentration of platelets that can be five to ten times greater than what is typically found in blood. PRP is human blood that is spun down and separated to produce platelets above normal values. Platelets are the clotting cells of blood but they have high potential in enhancing healing muscles, tendons, and ligaments. PRP presents patients with a long-lasting, permanent solution through the body’s natural healing process.
PRP therapy is used to promote healing of tendons, ligaments, muscles, or joints. Muscles and joints take high impact through your lifetime. For example, between 15 and 20% of men are afflicted with knee pain. PRP treatment is a safe alternative to invasive treatments and has low recovery time. During the treatment process, a blood sample is collected from the patient’s arm and placed in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the other blood components. The concentrated platelets are then injected into the site of the injury, often using an ultrasound for accurate guidance. The platelets act as a natural reservoir to grow and repair injured tissues. When using your own plasma, it helps stimulate and accelerate your body’s natural healing process. PRP therapy supports long-term healing, rather than quick, temporary relief.

Advanced Regenerative Health offers PRP Therapy for orthopedic applications such as chronic tendon injuries, acute ligament and muscle injuries, knee arthritis and peripheral neuropathy.

A study involving medial ulnar collateral ligament tears successfully treated 96% of their patients non-surgically.
Another recent study showed positive effects in 76.9% of carpal tunnel syndrome patients treated with PRP injections.



I am truly amazed with this treatment! I had my knees treated and in just 3.5 weeks I am feeling so much better! I have heard of so many stories of lives being changed for the better and now I am a believer too. Thanks for the improved quality of life!

Karl Mecklenburg, CSP


Convenient and Painless

15-minute in office, single injection
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All Natural & Drug-free

Takes advantage of the body's ability to repair itself.
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Safe, Non-steroidal Alternative to Surgery

Helps recruit your body’s healing components to reconstruct and regenerate the injured tissue that is causing pain.
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